As a seed spewed forth from the mouth of the abyss... DENOUNCEMENT PYRE has tread the path of the fallen angel from 2003, growing in strength ever since. Finally the long awaited full length "World Cremation", will be unleashed this year, following on from the previous mini-album, EP's & demo's, yet far exceeding all past efforts. Featuring 8 tracks of primitive Black Death metal, the album charges forth with a darker & more focused approach than all past releases. Venturing further into the realm of the lawless gods, where the flesh is torn from your master... and existence is conquered, not bowed to!
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In 2010 Hells Headbangers Records will unleash the first DENOUNCEMENT PYRE full-length album, "World Cremation". Featuring 8 tracks of primitive Black Death metal, the album charges forth with a darker & more focused approach than ever before. This is a definite statement in the heretic evolution.

The album will be released on CD & gatefold LP, plus a limited edition digipack CD version and a coloured vinyl version w/ patch + poster.
1) Black Womb of Magdalene2) The Flesh of thy Master
3) Purification
4) Coven of Diabolical Prophecies
5) Engulfed Temples
6) Salvation, the fading light
7) A Banner Drenched in Blood
8) Invination of Poison
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