Algunos de las bandas que aparecen en directo y/o con entrevistas a alguno de sus componentes son Down, Weedeater, EyeHateGod, Sourvein, Kylesa, Hank Williams III, Torche, Zoroaster, Hawg Jaw o Dixie Witch entre otros nombres.

"It will have intense live performances from some of the crustiest, doomiest, and most progressive of heavy bands from the south. I only wish I could capture the essance of them all. Included also are interviews from the dirtiest and smelliest of musicians, promoters, and fans from this genre about livin and growing up in the bible belt, and other beautiful shithole christian ran towns, as well as drugged out road stories, and other uncoothe happennings."
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Escuchando... Elders (Behold! The Monolith)
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