The 13 bands profiled are: Akitsa, Aluk Todolo, Avsky, Dead Raven Choir, Dialing In, Gnaw Their Tongues, Immolation, IXXI, Lugubrum, Necros Christos, Necrovation, Throneum, and Vargr, plus 7 1/2 pages of reviews.

Oaken Throne 6 is filled with exclusive illustrations by Metal's finest artists, our cover being drawn by David Vincent D'Andrea, with additional illustrations by Justin Bartlett, Chris Parry, Jeff Smack, Scott Langlais, Adam Watson, and photography by Ben West.

Like OT5, Oaken Throne 6 is accompanied by a professionally printed and mastered compact disc, containing a previously released track by each artist profiled (although the Nordvargr track is thus far exclusive). The cd is inserted into a pro-printed cardboard sleeve (with artwork by Marek Colek), and the zine and cd are inserted into a resealable polypropylene bag. OT6 is printed to the same unique 7x7 inch format as the previous three issues, its cardstock covers the same silver-on-black as has become the Oaken Throne trademark.
PDF para bajar: BenWestDesign.net/OT6.pdf
Escuchando... Les Litanies de Satan (In Torment)
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