MUSLIMGAUZE - Armsbazzar
Armsbazzar investigates both released and unreleased selected recordings from the intense period comprised between 1994 and 1997. Included are the out-of-print Hebron Massacre and Gulf Between Us singles, which feature two of the longest, most stunning and hypnotic MUSLIMGAUZE pieces ever – plus two inedit, highly percussive tracks taken from the recording sessions of the mythic, yet still unreleased and unheard, Zamindar album.
Boxset edition - limited to 149 hand-numbered copies
Armsbazzar is also available as a beautiful deluxe handcrafted boxset, in which we used various techniques for the box itself, including texture, cracking varnish and copper painting.
Included is the standard edition with poster wrapped in hand-painted and rubber stamped cloth, a set of 6 5-color printed cards with fantastic artwork and drawings by the genius Iranian artist Mohammad Fadaei and a silk-screned-hand-painted 73x55cm cotton cloth also displaying a disturbing image by Mr. Fadaei. Plus strange souvenirs, including a set of arms and a small doll - all them handmade items representing elements from the album artwork.
This is another unique piece of art carefully thought and executed by Uirajara Resende and Iremir Oscar. Long hours, days, nights, months, maybe a whole year preparing this edition, which we do hope you enjoy.
As usual, each copy is unique!

Editado por Essence Music.
Escuchando... Zaffaran (Muslimgauze)
1 comentario:
Vi esto hace unos días en la web de Essence y pensé ¡joder, qué pinta tiene!. Por lo que veo en las fotos es una buena pieza.
Parece que el chorro de reediciones de Muslimgauze no para y mientras se sigan haciendo de esta manera bienvenidas sean.
Lo que es una lástima es que ni muerto consiga el reconocimiento que merece, tanto musical como extramusicalmente.
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