A data DVD containing the lossless files from the masters from the original retrospective on harsh head rituals, plus Shin O.C.D. Accompanied by twelve 5.5×8.5 index cards with art work and original release information offset printed on card stock. All packaged in a heavy duty 6×9 4mil zip lock bag.
The idea was to get this material in as many hands as possible, with the widest distribution, with an extremely low price, while not doing “another box set” and to stay in print for a long time. Even though there’s been problems with distribution due to extremely high postage rates in Canada, we hope to hit the rest of goals hard.
Contains both wav and mp3 versions of:
1. Creature Drowning You
2. Cartilage Deposit
3. Refulcilized
4. Living Dead Girl
5. Possessed Nun Sleaze
6. Crusty Etruscans
7. Unreleased Track From Antibody Split
8. Rebianchilized
9. Shin O.C.D.
This is a real DVD, not a DVD-R.
Limited to 300 copies.
CANADA $14 PPD // USA $16 PPD // WORLD $19 PPD
Enlace: PointlessBlank.WordPress.com
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